Friday, 9 November 2012

How to add or remove Registry editor to control panel

                                                                        Here in this tutorial i like to discuss How to add or remove registry editor to control panel.Generally in the windows provided control panel we don't find any Registry editor contained in it.Now i created a .reg file by running it we can add or remove registry editor to control panel.

To add Registry editor to the control panel:
1.Open notepad and copy the content below CODE.
2.Save it as ".reg" type and name it as anything you want preferably "AddRegeditToControlPanel".


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Registry Editor"
"InfoTip"="Starts the Registry Editor"





@="Add Registry Editor to Control Panel"

Code for How to remove Registry editor from control panel.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



That's all for today folks if you have any issues please contact through comment.If you like the post spare a minute to share it.

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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

How to backup Windows registry

Registry editor is a very important tool to make some registry operations and hacks.It is very important to backup the registry as it may effect the normal functioning of the computer.Follow these simple steps to backup the registry:
1. Open the registry editor.

A.Click on windows start and type "run" and press enter.

B.Type "regedit" and click ok.

C.A dialogue box appears asking "Do you want to allow the following program to make any changes to this computer?" .press "yes".

D.It will open Registry Editor.

Open Windows 8 Registry Editor
2. Confirm the UAC prompt:
Confirm Registry UAC prompt
3. Click on File and then on Export to start the backup process
Backup Windows 8 Registry
4. Select the checkbox All and enter a name for the registry backup and add the date to the filename:
Create Backup Windows 8 Registry
5. Finally, click on Save and wait – have patience the backup might take a while. You have now successfully created a backup of the registry.
You can restore the backup by using the Import feature of the registry editor, which is also on the File menu.
If you’re running into any problems during the backup let us know

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Friday, 2 November 2012

How to change number of row tiles in windows 8

By default, Windows 8 will try to figure out the number of rows it should show on your Start Screen based on the resolution of your monitor. 

What if you don’t want the number of rows it determines?

 Well, you can change it to a different value if you like. As you can see, I decided to show you 1,2 and 3 rows. You can choose a value from 1 to 5.

Go to Regedit or the registry editor.

 Navigate to the following key:


Create a new DWORD value here and name it Layout_MaximumRowCount. Give it a value between 1 and 5. Enjoy!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Delete Files From The Recent File List In Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player (WMP) is a built-in application that allows you to play multimedia files. Like many other applications, WMP remembers the most recently played files and displays them in the Recent File List under the File menu. This feature is useful if you regularly play certain files, but you may want to clear the list if you share the computer and a user account or create archives and CDs.

You can manually delete the list through the Windows Registry:
1. Start the Windows Registry Editor, regedit.exe, by typing regedit in the Windows Run Command Line.
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\RecentFileList.
3. Delete the RecentFileList subkey.
4. If you've also streamed content from the Internet, you can delete the RecentURLList subkey.
5. Exit the Registry Editor.
6. Restart the computer.
To keep certain files in the list, don't delete the entire key. Deleting individual entries within the key will get rid of the files that you no longer want in the Recent File List.
That's all for today folks.Thanks for reading and if you like the post feel free to comment and share..........
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