Many people are so
curious to find how to add signature after the end of every blog post. First of
all you should have an image url with you of the signature. You can make this
by creating a draft post with image in it.(see Html in compose post for URL).
Follow these simple
steps to do so:
1. Go to blogger
dashboard. And click on Template as shown in picture.
2.Click on edit html.
3. Click on proceed.
4. Click on "Expand Widget Templates".
5. Press ctrl+F and type <data:post.body/> and replace it with <data:post.body/>
<img src='url_of_your_signature_image'/>
6. Now save your
template and thats it your blog will be ready with your signature in every post
you make.
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This post is a complete tutorial that guides all the bloggers to add signature to the blog post. I saved the link for later use and will share it with all my friends too. Thank you for describing all the steps in such a good way.
ReplyDeletedigital signature
Thank you Amber Salm for your support. Happy Blogging.