Monday, 14 January 2013

How to change title tags in blogger

We certainly hope that this SEO tip we’re about to give you can definitely go a long way in getting you more – and more relevant – search engine traffic.
What are title tags?

To put it simply, title tags are the document titles required in all HTML/ XHTML documents. The term “documents” includes your website or blog. Ideally, your title tags will be used to help identify the contents of the pages of your website or blog.
The HTML code that defines the title of your HTML documents follows a certain format. Let’s take my blog –– as an example.
<title>Techpro365 Blog | Blogger tips and tricks | SEO | Widgets | Blogger tutorials </title>

Where can I see the title tags?

Title tags – or the titles of the pages of your website or blog – can be found in:
1. The title in your browser toolbar.
2. The title for the linked page in search engine search results.
3. The title of the bookmark / favourite when the page is added to bookmarks / favourites
So why are title tags important?

Title tags are essential in SEO because they help search engines determine the relevancy of your Web pages for certain keywords and search phrases.
However, a number of publishing platforms, content management systems, and blogging platforms don’t necessarily optimize your title tags for you. And that’s where this quick SEO tip comes in: to help you– edit your title tags dynamically and get found more easily in Internet users’ search queries.
Change Title Tags in Blogger

Go to the Design tab of your Blogger Dashboard. Then, under the Design tab, go to the Edit HTML tab.
Look for this piece of code in your HTML template:

If you can’t find it, just press CTRL + F and paste the code on the search box to find it.
Replace the code with:
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;’>
<title><data:blog.pageName/>  | <data:blog.title/></title>

Click “Save Template” and you’re done!
Other SEO tips on title tags:

1. Apart from the actual post name and blog name, it might be useful to add relevant keywords to your title tag, too. Of course, this means doing your keyword research in advance.

2. Don’t keyword-spam your title tags, though. Try to limit yourself to 70 characters. Longer titles may be cropped by search engines as the results appear in search.

3. Always check your spellings. A small type error may be all that’s stopping you from achieving great things with your title tags.

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About Author:

Raja Sekhar is the founder of this blog. He has been blogging since 2010 and is an active contributor of many blogs.


  1. You got a definitely wonderful blog.My Scottsdale seo
    team finds it helpful. Hope you can share more about title tags soon. Thanks!

    1. Absolutely.Thank you for spending your valuable time here.

  2. Hi,
    I tried this method, but its not working for me. Can You please suggest me how to write different tittle tag for each pages and posts. My blog is :

    1. Hello Nagendra,
      The code is working fine with me. I have seen your blog and didn't find the title of the page in the browser toolbar. Have you added the fourth line of the code(data:blog.pageName.......) to your "head" part.

  3. showing error Error parsing XML, line 7, column 16: Open quote is expected for attribute "cond" associated with an element type "b:if". what should i do...? my blog:

    1. Try the above method once again.If it is not working please contact us through our email


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