Monday, 26 August 2013

How to add a widget to the header in blogger

Add a widget to header-techpro365

Many blogger templates will have a feature that allows you to add an extra widget to the header section. The single column structure templates will not have this feature.

In this tutorial I will tell you ‘How to add a widget to the header section’ in blogger.
We have to make some simple changes to the template. Don’t worry; I will help you through this. Before making any changes “please backup your template”.

Follow these steps:
  1. Log in to blogger dashboard.
  2. Go to template. Click “Backup/Restore”. Click “Download full template”.
  3. After downloading your template, click “Edit HTML”.
  4. Search /*Header or /*-----Header (something like this).
  5. Now below it add this piece of code.
  6. Find <b:section class=’header’ id=’header’ maxwidgets=’1’>  and replace it with 
  7. Now search for </header> and add the below code before the header.
  8. Find ]]></b:skin> and before it add the following CSS code.
  9. Now save your template and see the layout of your template, you will find an ‘Add a Gadget’ box to the right of your header.
  10. You can make changes to the font-size, width, float and other parameters according to your template.
If you have any genuine problems regarding this post please feel free to contact.
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