Thursday, 28 February 2013

5 Mistakes to avoid while using and starting a blog

A good number of people are interested in starting a new blog in this highly developing internet era. Some of them had taken it as a hobby while some as a daily profession. However as we know that nothing is easy, it also is applicable for blogging. Plan before you act as there are many things that you cannot modify or change when once done. A number of essential parameters are there that are to be considered before starting a new blog while some of them are discussed here in this post. Many new bloggers end up in taking those steps that are to be avoided while blogging. So, here in this post I would like to point out those aspects which are to be avoided preferably.

Let’s have a look at some of the commonly committed mistakes while starting a new blog:

Settle Down for the Best Niche and Stick to it!

The first thing you need to keep in mind in order to become a successful blogger is to settle down for the best niche. Most of the time new bloggers take up random topics and start to blog on those random topics. This approach usually fails to create an impact in the blogging field and make them to quit blogging. Do some research on the niche before taking up the task of blogging as it is one of the major aspects in the process of blogging. So, make sure that you settle down for the right and best niche.

Don’t Start a Blog Merely for Money

There are a number of new bloggers who start a blog for earning some quick money. However they are not successful in either getting money or getting the considerable amount of traffic. Stick to the topic and provide a good, useful and interesting content to attract more number of visitors and thereby earning money through monetising your blog. It is always advisable to concentrate more on the content and other aspects related to it rather than thinking in earning point of view. Your earnings start easily if you have considerable amount of daily traffic.

Say ‘No’ to Plagiarism

Plagiarism means copying the content from other blogs and websites and posting it on your blog. In simple words the using of Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V combinations. Some of the new bloggers who usually don’t want to put in some hard work in research about a particular problem or topic follow these shortcut ways. During the starting days it will be easy but as the time goes on they face the difficulties in that shortcut path. The quality of the content is the main root of the blog. So, don’t opt for any shortcut ways for the blog content. Do some research before posting something on your blog and your aim should be is to generate good quality original content.

Don’t fall for Showy or Garish Blog Designs

One of the major mistakes bloggers generally commit is to fall for showy template designs. Most of the times they tend to use fancy and colourful templates. However these templates lack the official look. Many readers may find it difficult to read your posts and may also miss the important content and complain about the appearance of your blog. So it is always advisable to stick with a highly professional and simple light kind of template. It may increase the chance of getting more number of return visitors.

Avoid Complex Categorizing and Tagging

Categories and tags usually refer to the table of contents of your blog. They help the visitors or readers to find the content needed to them with ease. This is another aspect in which most of the new bloggers tend to make mistakes in.

The problem with them is that they fail to understand the mere purpose of categories and tags is to simplify your blog visitor’s visit to your blog. They try to use the maximum number of keywords related to the post that may result in a huge number of tags which is so confusing. 

Many a time in the process of keeping things organized, new bloggers forget to take into consideration this parameter, which is exactly why categories and tags come out to be of no use to them. This is why you need to be very careful while choosing categories and tags. Maintain balance while using these parameters. You must plan categories well in advance as they need to possess a meaning. On the other hand the tags that you need must be based on the keywords that are likely to be searched by the visitors.

So, if you are starting a new blog try to avoid these aspects. If you already started blogging stick with your niche and avoid making mistakes like changing the theme or posting something that is not related to your niche or the theme.

If you think there are also other aspects that are need to be discussed but are left, please feel free to let me know by posting in the comment section below. I wish you all the best and for a grand success in the field of blogging.

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About Author:

Raja Sekhar is the founder of this blog. He has been blogging since 2010 and is an active contributor of many blogs.

1 comment :

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